Partner and Sponsor Stories
Sponsorship testimony from Carlos Toscano
It has been a source of deep joy and satisfaction for me to sponsor children in the Friends of Hope program. We are all going through unusual stress with the pandemic these days and trying to find ways to cope and avoid becoming depressed. I have found that being a sponsor for a child that needs my help gives me a way not only to cope but to find meaning that lifts me above my circumstances. I have found that what the Bible says about giving is true. It is more blessed to give than to receive. We do not achieve happiness by seeking to satisfy ourselves, but we achieve happiness as a byproduct of doing something meaningful. Little is more meaningful than offering a helping hand and giving hope to a child living in desperate poverty facing a future of hopelessness.
I visited a family on one of my mission trips to Cartagena. The mother talked about what a struggle it was to provide a good education for her child. Public schools are very depressing and even dangerous, and her child was very unhappy and traumatized by the experience. A relative told her about a wonderful Christian school that would be a better place for her child. Despite the additional expense, she moved closer to Conviventia’s God is Love school so her daughter could have a better and Christian education, but she was not sure how she was going to afford this private education. I knew at that moment that God was giving me an opportunity to add meaning to my life and I took it. Now I am sponsoring two children and it has been a great blessing to see God’s hand on the life of these children.
Carlos and his beautiful family!
“My wife is Judy (in the middle), and my daughters from right to left are Maria, Cristina, Elisa and Natalia. My son’s name is Carlos Miguel, who isn’t pictured here. The little girl on Elisa’s lap is my granddaughter Clara.” -Carlos
Conviventia partner testimony from Connie
Hi! My name is Connie. I’m an APRN and midwife with a busy practice, and a fierce love of God. I have had the privilege to go to Colombia with Conviventia as part of a team for 8 years now, and to join Conviventia’s staff in medical brigades to Cartagena and Barranquilla.
Through the working of the Holy Spirit, I have experienced great love flowing to serve and bless the beautiful people of Colombia. Undoubtedly, going to Colombia is a highlight of my year.
Our teams partner with Conviventia staff, and when we return home, the excellent work continues! Conviventia works under very high standards to bring sustainable change through education, job training and lives changed through a relationship with Jesus. Although our focus is always to help the people in Colombia, it is myself who goes away feeling even more loved and blessed. Because I believe in this organization and what they do, I have and will continue to give and to go!
Connie is training Kylie and Claire to take blood-pressure. Claire is now a nurse, and Kylie is in pre-med. Both have dedicated their lives to Christ and to a career in Humanitarian Medical Aid!