Humanitarian Aid
2,300+ boys and girls benefited from the School Health Plan
81,000+ humanitarian aid services provided
19 humanitarian aid missions
400+ participants in the Nutritional Reinforcement project
Achieving ongoing development requires healthy and stable communities.
To that end, Conviventia strengthens vulnerable groups, such as those in extreme poverty conditions or victim to natural disasters and/or forced displacement, through relief services and integrated social services.
These initiatives not only provide basics like food, shelter and medical help, but also equip individuals, families and communities to improve their own living conditions.
Our Projects within Humanitarian Aid
Health Brigades:
Professional volunteers, alongside the Conviventia team, are prepared to lend basic health services, dentistry, optometry, nursing, and pharmaceuticals; as well as legal council, counselling services, recreation/entertainment and in-kind donations to vulnerable groups/communities.
School Health Plan:
With a strong focus on the development of healthy lifestyle habits and self-care, the School Health Plan promotes the creation of safe environments in schools, by equipping children and adolescents, as well as their parents, to ensure they’re living responsibly.
Nutritional Reinforcement:
Intervention and assistance provided for children who are underweight or suffering from acute malnutrition, as well as their families, to guarantee the minimum nutritional requirements recommended by the OPS are being met and to ensure the development of healthy eating habits.
Testimony from our Nutrition Reinforcement Program
By student Camilo Antonio
Age: 9 years
Grade: 3
I joined Conviventia’s God is Love school last year. I live with my sister and my mother who works as an archiving assistant in different offices. My mother is the breadwinner at home. She works very hard because my father left us and got another family. He doesn’t help us in any way. My mother pays our school, food, housing, everything.
The school put me in the nutrition program because a classmate of mine told the nurse that I did not bring any food to the school and that sometimes I did not have breakfast at home before coming to class. The nurse and school directors investigated, they learned more about my case, and immediately enrolled me in this wonderful program.
I am really grateful. This program means so much for me and my family. I have gained weight and now I feel much healthier and stronger and much less sleepy in class.
I like the food that they give us at school. If it was not for that, I would probably not eat until I got back home. In the afternoon, my sister usually heats up the food that our mom leaves prepared for us before she goes to work. The reason why I do not bring any food to the school is because my mother does not have money to buy anything extra.
I have learned a lot during this time in the program. They teach us to pray before we eat, wash our hands before and after we eat, organize the plates when we are done eating and clean up after myself.
Thank you Conviventia for this support. God bless you. Please keep working to help families like mine.
Testimony from our Nutrition Reinforcement Program
Students: Joel & María Alejandra
Ages: 7 & 13 years
Grades: 1B & 7A
My name is Johanna Molina. I really feel blessed to be part of the Conviventia family. I had the privilege to have my children in the nutrition program during all of 2019.
At the beginning of the year, my children went through size and weight screening with the nurse of the school. As a result, the school decided to enroll them in the nutrition program because they were underweight for their age. I was very worried about my children’s health and development, but the nurse set me at ease when she walked me through the benefits of having my children in the program. When my youngest child was born, the doctors told me that he was underweight and prescribed some specific diet he had to follow. I tried to keep up with the diet, but it was too expensive for me to afford and eventually had to quit. We’ve faced many economic struggles. Income was not enough and putting food on the table was hard. My older daughter too began to lose weight quickly. No matter how hard I tried, I was always falling short to provide them with enough food.
My heart rejoiced at the confirmation that my children were going to be enrolled in the nutrition program of the school. Seeing all the progress my children have made and how healthy they look now makes me very happy. I know God is over my financial constraints and he always uses people like angels to come and take care of us. This organizations means so much to us! I thank God, the School and the nutrition program for this excellent work, for sowing seeds of hope in this generation of children. I am grateful that my two treasures (my children) are growing up in a holistic environment.
Emergency Food Relief in La Guajira, Colombia
By Carlos Luis Castro
We are very grateful for the blessing that myself and 9 other Venezuelan families have received, now living as immigrants in the city of Rioacha due to the situation in our home country. My family and I have been in this city for two years now, ever since we had to flee Venezuela for humanitarian and health reasons. For us, this has been a great help during this time of crisis caused by the pandemic, adding on to the already difficult economic situation we have been facing. The blessing we have received from Conviventia is none other than a miracle from God. I’m very grateful with God and all of those that make this assistance possible.