Special Projects & Events
Project Type: Construction (Began in 2022 and will be spread across 3 Phases through 2024)
Objective: Increase capacity, safety, inclusivity, sustainability, and effectiveness at our God is Love school in Altos de Cazuca, known to be one of the most vulnerable, high-risk neighborhoods in Bogota.
Target population: the children and families in this community and nearby communities of Soacha.
Funding status: Our goal for phase 1 has been achieved (USD 100,000.00) and construction has already begun! PRAISE JESUS. Phase 2 is $36,000 closer to our goal of $125,000. That means we only have $89,000 left to fundraise. We’re so grateful for your support!
Phase 2 fundraising is currently underway with a goal of USD 125,000.00.
Why is Cazuca considered a priority for Conviventia?
According to data from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), in 2020, 45.5% of the population of Soacha was in a situation of multidimensional poverty. Cazuca is one of the poorest and most vulnerable neighborhoods in the city. Furthermore, extreme poverty, lack of services, violence, and insecurity are just some challenges children face in Cazuca (Colombian Ombudsman Report, 2020). In addition, many are victims of violence and exploitation, including child labour, human trafficking, and sexual violence/abuse. These factors can jeopardize their physical and mental health, emotional well-being, and development well into adulthood.
The bright side?
For the past 30 years, The Lord has equipped Conviventia to provide these children and their families with access to quality Christian education and safe and adequate spaces for development and growth. Conviventia’s School with a Purpose educational model empowers students through a holistic development process applying five types of learning: learning to think, to grow, to believe, to act, and to become an entrepreneur. Each corresponds to an activity and represents a human relationship that needs restoration to build a productive, fulfilling, and abundant life that pleases God. These five learnings are not isolated or separated; they form a dynamic system in which each is part of the other and contributes to one greater: Learning to live and thrive under the principles established in the Word of God.
Project impact?
Of course, infrastructure expansion would enable us to serve more students and families. However, expanding this 30-year-old campus also includes addressing issues of safety and inclusivity, for example, by adding ramps to the school campus. Additionally, some common areas built many years back do not comply with current regulations and needs (e.g. the stairs, the playground, the kitchen, and the multi-purpose space used for parent meetings and student assemblies). Investing in education infrastructure remains crucial for a successful teaching and learning process and the holistic development of children. Good education infrastructure includes libraries, sports facilities, adequate circulation spaces, plus access to modern technologies, such as updated computers and internet connection. When these resources are available and in good condition, students can engage in hands-on learning experiences, explore their interests, and develop life skills.
This expansion will also increase the sustainability and effectiveness of our Education program across Cazuca by providing incentives for qualified educators and other staff to choose us as their place of work, by ensuring that the school building is safety-compliant, equipped with the space and resources teachers require to do their best work, and of course, a beautiful and dignified place of work, which honors the Lord. Under these conditions, teachers and students are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and productive. Naturally, teachers play a crucial role in the success of any education system, so attracting and retaining high-quality staff is essential to providing the best possible service to our Cazuca community.
While this project exists within a complex context of poverty,
it continues to be one of successful results and changed lives. These are fruit of the investments of our generous supporters that offer the children and youth of Cazuca the opportunity to grow and develop in a Christian learning environment. Additionally, investing in education infrastructure is not only a necessary step towards providing quality education for children, but it also has long-term benefits for the broader community of Soacha and Colombian society, such as increased economic productivity, social cohesion, and reduced poverty. To further illustrate this truth, the construction company planning and implementing this expansion project is actually led by two Altos de Cazuca Alumni. By His power, the stories of Cazuca get rewritten every day. Praise Jesus! We plant faithful seeds, dear friends. He reaps transformation.
We thank you in advance for supporting this project. Thanks to incredible hearts like yours, as of November 10th, we are officially $36,0000 closer to our total goal of $125,000! That means we only need $89,000 to hit our 2024 goal. We can’t do this without you!
Donations to this project will remain open until Phase Two is fully funded (USD 125,000).
In Faith & Gratitude,
The Conviventia US Team.